Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Feeling Blue

So I know sometimes I post some messages that seem a little bummed, a little confused, and a little unsure.....this however is not one of those posts despite the title.......in fact its all happy, all good, and ALL EXCITED!!

School is back in session....Yippee (ops I mean boo hoo)....in all actuality its a little of both.  I finally have a bit of peace and quiet to myself again, a chance to go on a breakfast or lunch date with my husband, a moment to get something accomplished, the ability to run a quick errand and actually get it done quickly, and a fairly clean house again (we're still working on this last one!)....its awesome!!! Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and love being able to spend so much time with them but a little bit of peace is needed and greatly appreciated now and then.  This year we sent my littlest one to Kindergarten which was a very hard day, to say the least, and is taking some adjusting to get used to but on the opposite end I have really been enjoying "the peace"!!

My husband has also been enjoying the peace.....the first opportunity we had to have a free day together we ran around aimlessly trying to figure out what to do with ourselves.  We went on a breakfast date, roamed stores (many of them actually) with no agenda, and just enjoyed being able to do something together again.   So after the novelty of having a free day together wore off my husband has been back in project mode.....again very awesome!!  Anytime he sees a free day coming our way he's asking what shall we do next.  Since school has only been in session for about a week we obviously haven't done a whole lot of things but they are a flying down the pipeline!!!  I'm sure you'll be hearing about them in the near future.

One thing he did accomplish, and rather quickly I may add, was our "little living room/music room/kid free adult talking room".....you get the idea.  I have been toying with colors for months and had settled on one particular color that I really loved from the beginning.  So on our date day (aka first day of school) we of course go to the paint store, and because we didn't have kids with us nor a time deadline I was free to roam the store all I wanted....BAD IDEA!!!  Suddenly the color I was 100% certain of became a "ohh look at this color, ohh maybe this would be better, do you think the light makes this color look different"....yup I was all kinds of changing my mind.....it was a complete disaster.  Needless to say we left the store with no paint, and a ton of new samples for all sorts of rooms we weren't even considering at the moment.  So the next free day my husband headed back to the paint store and ultimately picked up the color I had originally wanted.  By dinner the room was done.......

At first glance I loved it, then I thought oh boy its too dark, then I loved it again, then I had to play with the curtains and change things around, and in the end I DO LOVE IT!!!  So here is how it looked before....

And here is what it looks like now.....

For those wondering the color we went with is Benjamin Moore Van Courtland Blue.  It looks lighter in these pictures than it actually is on the wall but I think it works well with the furniture colors and other colors in our house.  We have also LONG debated the ceiling light for this room.  If I was to build again I don't think I would have added a light for this room and just used lamps as it was hard to find something that worked well considering there is a ceiling lamp directly in the hallway......so I toyed with the idea of doing a ceiling fan.  My husband was able to re-wire/re-mount the electric box so we were able to put a ceiling fan there and I love it!!  Its the perfect thing for that room.  Since the blue was a tad off from our old curtains I had to put the blue curtains back in the dining room and gold curtains back in this room to make it work.  In addition we added the mirror for more light, and put the pictures that were there before (that were really too small for behind the couch anyways) in the morning room.......so lots of switches throughout the house I guess.  So I still have some ideas left for this room including crown molding, a built in cabinet with shelves for the "nook" area, paint the ugly vent...all which will come with time, but for now I'm enjoying our new blue room......

Let us know what you think.......